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Meeting Professor Wole Soyinka
Seminar with the esteemed Nobel Prize winner at Harvard University, 2017.

Seminar with Dr Cornel West
Speaking with Professor West at Harvard University, 2017.

August 2017 | Curated exhibition 'Athlone in Mind'
website launched! Website here
June 2016| Meeting artist El Anatsui Anatsui received a honorary Doctorate from the University of Cape Town.

May 2015 | Boxing Ghosts
District Six Museum, Cape Town.

WITS New Media Seminar
Michaelis School of Fine Art, September 2012.

Type Design Course
Reading University, 2011.

July 2014 | Brave New World
Curated exhibition, National Gallery of South Africa

Netherlands, Fundament Foundation, Tilburg, 2007.

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